McAllister Elementary School held its annual Spelling Bee on Friday, December. After more than fifteen rounds between the final two contestants, Tyler Shaw emerged as the top spe...
What a pleasant surprise it was this year the way MES students have responded to the Miler Club. We sincerely thank the MES staff for welcoming the RHXCTF program into your buildi...
Please help MES support the Ronald McDonald House Charities of The Coastal Empire by collecting and sending in pop tabs. These tabs can come from soda cans, energy drinks, soup c...
Mrs. Emily Dixon was recognized as the 2018-19 Bryan County School District Teacher of the Year on Wednesday, October 24th at surprise faculty meeting at McAllister Elementary Sch...
Thank you to all of the families that brought in supplies to help those impacted by Hurricane Michael. We can always count on our McAllister Family to help out the community arou...
The Bryan County Schools Innovation Expo will be held January 10, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. at the Community Ed. Center in Richmond Hill, GA. All students in third through twelfth grade ...
Help us raise $8000 this year for new iPads for MES! Turn in your BoxTops for MES! Look for a flyer coming soon about our upcoming CLASSROOM BOXTOP BLITZ!
McAllister Elementary School is proud to announce the 2018-2019 Teacher & Staff Member of the year. Mrs. Emily Dixon, fifth grade teacher & sponsor of the Sign Language Club, is ...
Richmond Hill High School is excited to announce the launch of an online store. The school store offers a full service apparel website that allows the customer to customize any o...
We are excited to announce that our staff and students at McAllister Elementary School will be participating in The 7 Mindsets program this
school year. The following is a sum...
MORNING CARLINE PROCEDURES: Please review the linked document below carefully as we will now have Blue Line and Red Line Traffic.
Blue Line : PK-1st - Families with (PK-1st)...
McAllister Elementary may only be two years old, but it is strong in its academics and excellence. This was most recently shown with the Science Olympiad Team. The team consists o...
Mungo Homes celebrated the completion of the new pavilion at McAllister Elementary School’s playground with teachers and students earlier this month. “Ask and you never know, you ...
MES students participated in the Regional Tech Fair at Julia P. Bryant Elementary in Statesboro, GA on Saturday, January 21, 2017. Ten students from McAllister Elementary travele...
Throwing, Running, Jumping, Dodging Lots of movement and energy in PE with Coach Moon and Coach Anderson with the game "Throw me a lifeline." Students enjoy the variety of activ...